Do the Research
If you have been asked to write a thousand-word article, you won’t be able to write it within the given word limit unless you perform healthy research in advance. Writing a blog post is all about research. You need to know what you are writing about and be able to back up any claims or opinions with good sources. It’s important for you as a writer and for your readers if you make sure that everything in your blog is factual, correct, and credible.
So start gathering information on the topic before you sit down to write the first draft of your blog post. If possible, try talking to people in person who have experienced what it’s like living with this condition or have been through something similar themselves (friends, family members).
You could also look at websites that offer advice on dealing with certain conditions; these sites often have forums where people can ask questions and share experiences.
Create an Outline
One of the best ways to help you stick to your word limit is creating an outline. By doing this, you’ll have a skeleton guide of what needs to be in each section and how much Content is needed within the section.
The first step is creating the skeleton – the bones of your article. Use this as a guide for planning and writing as a checklist when writing your draft. Review it after finishing each section so that there are no gaps in information or ideas missing from the final draft.
The outline also acts as a guide for writing because it tells you where each piece should go, so consider using bullet points or numbered lists if they make sense when discussing topics within each section.
Write Your Post, Then Edit It
Once you’ve written the draft of your blog post, it’s time to edit and proofread it. Unfortunately, this is where most people fall short – editing can be tedious and time-consuming, especially if you have gone above the prescribed word limit. But if you want your blog post to be successful, editing is an essential part of the process.
- Take out unnecessary words wherever possible (to reduce the number of words).
- Check for grammar errors (misplaced commas and apostrophes are easy to miss on electronic devices).
- Make sure there aren’t any spelling errors in your post (it’s easy to get distracted when writing).
- If a sentence doesn’t make sense when you read it aloud, there’s probably a mistake somewhere. So it’s better to take it out.
Put The Most Important Sentence at the Beginning of Each Paragraph
This is called the topic sentence, and it’s one of the most important parts of a great blog post. It sums up the main idea of your paragraph, which you should be able to express in just one or two sentences.
The rest of your paragraph will support this main idea with details and examples that add meaning to it – but only if you put them in their proper order. The key here is knowing how important it is for those supporting sentences to follow after the topic sentence so that they don’t derail from their purpose.

Write Shorter Sentences
Short sentences help keep your write-up within limits. They are easier to read and, therefore, easier to understand. They also make your writing sound more professional, making the blog post more credible in your readers’ eyes.
To shorten sentences, use semicolons:
- Semicolons can be used in place of periods when you want to link two sentences together and keep them separate simultaneously. For example: “I’ve never been good with computers; I’m sure there’s a better way.”
Or colons:
- Colons are used in place of periods when you want to indicate that more information or an explanation is coming up after that sentence has been said. For example: “Let me tell you about my new job: I work as a data entry clerk at an insurance company.”
Or dashes:
- Dashes are used for emphasis or interruption in speech – they add energy to your words.
Write within a given word Limit
It may seem like a tall order, but you can write in any word count if you put your mind to it.
Write in a conversational style, with clear and concise points. You want your audience to feel like they are having an actual conversation with you, so they don’t get bored or confused by too much text at once.
Break up the text with descriptive and catchy subheadings to draw attention without being gimmicky.
Consider how often people are likely to read each paragraph before deciding which ones deserve their heading; this will help prevent repetition later on when summarizing main points.
Jot down ideas for titles as soon as inspiration strikes so there is no delay later on when writing them out fully (or better yet – try thinking of several different options so that no matter what happens during the editing process, one option will always work).
If needed, try rephrasing sentences until they sound more natural instead of just trying harder at getting words down faster than usual. To keep track your word count and focus on your Content following are 3 of the Best Online Word Counter.
Top Three Word Counter Tools
An online word counter allows you to keep your blog posts within prescribed word limits. Before we discuss how to write a blog within given word limits, let’s look at the top three word-counter tools that you can use to keep track of the total number of words in your blog posts.
You can use the online word counter to keep your write-up under limits. This is a useful tool that lets you count the number of words in your blog and provides many additional features.

- The AutoSaved feature (when turned on) automatically saves your text so that you don’t lose information after typing or pasting in the designated area.
- The grammar checker highlights areas of misspelled words and incorrect use of grammar. You can turn this feature on to spot mistakes in your blog and make corrections before making the article live.
- The clear text feature helps you clear the entire text in a single click. You don’t need to select all the text and then remove it.
- The text size can also be increased or decreased using the font size feature. If you struggle reading smaller text, increase the size to improve readability.
- You can also choose a specific style of your text from the text style selector on the left-hand side.
Aside from the above features, the online Word Counter also lets you know word density. You can see the exact percentage or frequency of a specific word used in your blog.
Online Count Word
This is another online word counter tool that you can use to tally the number of words in your blog post. You have to visit their website and paste the text in the assigned area.
The statistic bar under the text will tell you about the number of words, characters with space, characters without space, sentences, paragraphs, average reading time, and the number of pages. All these figures will help you write according to the assigned word limit.
Key Content Word Counter
Key Content offers a word counter utility on its website. You can paste your text there to know how many words you have written for your blog posts. Aside from the word count, the tool lets you know about the number of characters, sentences, paragraphs, average reading time, and readability score.